Neither of us have been stellar with African geography. The Cape? The Gold Coast? The Horn? These have always had a familiar ring, but uncertain physical placement.
Neither of us could have said prior to last year that we had much interest in going to Africa, even. Our thoughts have often drawn orbs around all of the difficulties known to the continent: the wild animals, the intense heat, the persistent sun, the vast deserts, the rampant diseases, and to our "Western" eyes, the seeming lack of "progress". All these had formed a menagerie or montage that made us shrink away. Any "Amens" out there?
Whether or not your minds have formed the question, it has been generally in ours: Why Africa, then? Why South Sudan? Surely, you've all had such questions of your own lives. Ultimately, this is only a question God can answer. We just get enough glimpses to give us faith and courage.
Civil strife in Sudan had been raging since the time of its colonization by the British in the late 19th Century. All of this escalated in the 1970's and continued in varying degrees until a peace-accord was reached in 2005. At this time, the north, which is largely Arab Muslim, agreed that the south, largely tribal of Christian and Animist backgrounds, could be semi-autonomous, and then hold a referendum on the severance of nation in January 2011. Not surprisingly, the Southerns voted overwhelmingly to separate and form their own nation and government. And so, in July 2011, the world welcomed its newest nation: South Sudan.

This begins the next sojourn into a war-bruised nation, where our hearts cry out for God's intervention, and that "swords might be beaten into plowshares".
For God's Glory, and our ensuing Joy!
Stay tuned.